The Law Mills Again at Work Political Cartoon
Political Cartoons from the Early 20th Century: Non Much Has Changed
Posted by Laurie Frost on February 22, 2011
Today'southward postal service features political cartoons from over a hundred years ago published in the magazine Puck, a journal featuring commentary and satire that was published between 1871 and 1918. The Library of Congress has completed digitization of 585 cartoons from the covers and centerfold pages of Puck for the years 1890-1910, and more of these public domain images volition exist added afterwards.
The meaning of some of the political cartoons depends on a thorough familiarity with political life at the plow of the 20th century, but what is surprising is how many of these seem altogether relevant to 2011 — all that accept changed are a few names and places. Descriptions are from the Library of Congress's cataloging notes.
- The Constabulary-mills Over again at Work. Illustration shows "Justice" property her scales, being buried under an avalanche of newspaper labeled "Law" as a "Legislator" at the top turns the creepo spewing legislation from the U.Due south. Capitol. Jan. 10, 1900. Illus. Udo Keppler. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25384
The Age of Drugs: Illustration shows the interior of a drugstore with an elderly homo, the pharmacist, dispensing a "Bracer" to a crowd of eager consumers, while a young girl secures a canteen of "Soothing Syrup." On the counter are bottles and packets of "Arsenic, Strychnine, Antipyrin, Nervus Stimulant, Opium, Cocaine" and "The Needle." Signs on the wall state "The Killem' Quick Pharmacy," "Open up all night," and "Prescriptions carefully compounded." The saloon keeper leans against a column and laments that he cannot "brainstorm to compete with" the drug trade." illus. Louis Dalrymple. October. 1900. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25463
The Crabbed Millionaire's Puzzle. Analogy shows an old human labeled "Millionaire" sitting in a chair atop a pile of moneybags, bemoaning the fact that he now has niggling fourth dimension to give away his money in a satisfactory manner; on the left are the church and the academy looking for contributions and on the right are the hated "Relatives" looking to inherit new found wealth. illus. J.S. Pughe. Aug. 1901. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25553
Milking Time. Analogy shows Thomas Taggart, Democratic National Committee chairman, on the left, and George B. Cortelyou, Republican National Commission chairman, on the right, milking a cow into buckets labeled "Dem. Campaign Fund" and "Rep. Campaign Fund". A bell labeled "Wall Street" hangs from a ribbon labeled "Trust Interests" around the cows cervix. illus. Keppler. 1904. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25875
The Benodellocinch. Illustration shows Benjamin B. Odell with 2 heads equally he acts in the capacity of "Governor" of New York and as "Chairman Rep. State Com." with the governor side wielding a quill pen labeled "Veto Power" over papers labeled "Legislative favors" and the chairman side holding out a can cup labeled "Entrada Contributions". illus. Udo Keppler. 1904. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25839
Every bit to the Many Theatrical Failures, Business Will Pick Upwardly When... . Analogy shows a vignette drawing with, at center, the construction of mannequin models as stand up-ins for actors, surrounded by scenes of cost gouging, poorly attended performances, the use of wooden actors, indifference to customers and haughty attitudes by theater staff, and the resulting failure of business. To a higher place the primary scene are the ghosts of past actors labeled "Booth, Gilbert, Forrest, Cushman, Wallack". illus. Southward.D. Ehrhart. 1903. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25805
A Revelation in Revolutions. Caption: Uncle Sam: "Well! Well! Yous boys accept at last had a revolution which will help the whole world." Illustration shows Uncle Sam with a bundle of papers labeled "Canal Plans" patting a diminutive human, wearing a hat labeled "Panama", on the shoulder. The man smiles broadly and is leaning on a large sword. Canal construction equipment is merely offshore, in the background. illus. Udo Keppler. 1903. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25798
Due Procedure of Law. Illustration shows Justice, wearing a crown labeled "Law" and conveying a sword and scales, riding on the back of a snail, climbing a steep colina strewn with bolders labeled "Certificate of reasonable doubt, Appeals, Change of venue, Injunction, Stays" toward the "Hall of Justice" at the peak of the colina. illus. Ehrhart. 1903. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25806
You can fool some of the people all of the time. Illustration shows a vignette drawing with John A. Dowie as a wizard at centre offer salvation and other products to gullible customers. The surrounding vignettes bear witness diverse types of "people", such as "The working people", downtrodden and depressed, who are tricked into post-obit the "Walking Delegate", his pockets overflowing with money, and "The get-rich-quick people" who anxiously purchase bogus stocks and securities. At that place are those who have their palms read and those who believe they can build their ain homes, also as those who prove off their castles with a huge "Mortage". illus. Ehrhart. 1903. LC-DIG-ppmsca-25786
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